
Like all our widgets, the Review Carousel does not need to be set up. It is up and ready to be used as soon as you like. 

However, if you wish to customize this widget, here are the steps on how to do it:

Step 1. Log into your Kundello account.

Step 2. Under the tab "Widgets," select "Review Carousel", and you'll be taken to its settings.

Step 3. On the left side of your screen are settings, and on the right is the Live Preview, where you can see your changes in real time.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you install the widget on your site, any customization changes you make will automatically be updated on your website.



As per default, all widgets are automatically visible on the website as soon as you install the widget code. 

If, upon code installation, you don't want the widget to be visible on your website, click "No, disabled" and then SAVE the setting.

When ready to show the widget on your website, change the setting to "Yes, visible" and then save the settings again.


As per default, the header text on your widget shows “Customer Reviews.” However, you can change it by choosing “Custom Text” and then input the text you want your customers to see.


Use the default text size in the header or choose from the available custom sizes - 24 to 46px


By default, the header text colour is in the “Dark” setting. However, you can change it to “Light,” which will make the text white. The color of the text will depend on the carousel background colour.

Here is an explanation:

Example of Light Carousel Background:

Example of Dark Carousel Background (if your website has a dark colour page):


The color of the avatar above the customers’ names can be customized too. You can change it according to your preference or leave it by default, which is color white.


Inside the avatar mentioned above is a text, which is the acronym for customers’ names. You can change its color as well to complement the avatar’s color. By default, the text is in the “Dark” setting - black letters, but you can change it to “Light,” which will make it white.


You can customize the color of the stars on your widget. For example, you can choose the "Default" option, which is "Kundello Orange," or customize it with the colors of your website.


Display reviews setting has two options - "Automatically" where the latest reviews are shown in Carousel, and "I Will Select Reviews", option where you choose which reviews will be shown.

Here is what it will say if you choose the "I Will Select Reviews" option:

To select which reviews you wish to show, click "here" and you will be taken to the reviews page. See below:

Once you are done with customizing your widget, click on "Save Settings" to save your customization preferences.

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